New and upcoming vacancies


(We make every attempt to keep this page as up to date as possible, but our market moves very quickly. If there is not a current ad link in the property description, the property may be pending an application. We apologize for any frustration or inconvenience!)

An unfortunate note about rental scammers- PLEASE verify with an agent (walk through the property with us, send someone local to meet us, or request a video tour) before EVER paying a deposit or move-in money. If a property is NOT listed here as “available,” if it is listed on another site for significantly less rent, or if the phone number to contact is not local, THEN IT ISN’T AVAILABLE and is likely a scam.

Upcoming Properties

1506 Sunset Ave - Caldwell: 2 bed 1.5 bath duplex with spacious backyard & living spaces.

7666 Brigade Dr - Nampa: 4 bed 2 bath home close to shopping & golf course


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